


art direction

The COVID-19 pandemic and associated isolation measures have caused a surge in domestic violence rates. With victims more exposed to their abusers, many feel trapped and unable to seek help without arousing suspicion. Even phone calls and social media messages can be monitored by the abuser, making it difficult to reach out for support.

To address this challenge, we at Ana Couto developed an innovative solution: a disguised help channel in the form of a Tododia "product." This solution aimed to provide a discreet way for victims to reach out for help and access the resources they need to escape abusive situations.

By leveraging Tododia's existing branding and packaging design, the disguised help channel could blend seamlessly into a victim's daily routine without arousing suspicion. The creative direction and branding strategy employed by us helped to ensure that the help channel was accessible and user-friendly, even for those who may be in distress.

Ultimately, Care by Tododia served as a vital lifeline for victims of domestic violence, enabling them to connect with support networks and take the first steps toward freedom and safety.



São Paulo - SP
Email: [email protected]

© Vinícius Valadão 2020
art director/designer